Thursday, April 28, 2011

Part 3 – Natural Weight Loss in Women

Whether they’re busy professionals or busy moms, more and more women are finding that they are the ones in need of some extra care and attention. This week and next week I'll continue to discuss various approaches I use to help restore the health and wellbeing of women. 

In this post, Part 3 of my series on how I apply naturopathic medicine to approach women’s top concerns, I'll be addressing

Natural Weight Loss

Many women struggle with their weight.  This is why fad diets and quick fix scams abound.  Weight issues in women are frequently caused by inflammation, and removing foods that trigger inflammation is one of the most powerful ways to establish optimal weight. I have had patients lose between 20 and 60 pounds by simply finding and eliminating problem foods.  Working to balance hormone levels is also a way that I may go about using to help women return to a healthier weight.  Another approach is total body detoxification to remove heavy metals. Often the body holds onto fat where it stores toxins in order to protect itself from having the metals released into the bloodstream where they could do even more damage to the body. Our total body detox program uses colonics to clear and cleanse the lower intestinal tract in addition to chelation therapy to bind and pull heavy metals out of the cells. If these first line measures don't work and the weight problem persists, we will recommend our HCG program to help reset the metabolism.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Part 2 – Digestive Health and Constipation in Women

Whether they’re busy professionals or busy moms, more and more women are finding that they are the ones in need of some extra care and attention. In the coming weeks I’ll continue to post about various approaches I use to help restore the health and wellbeing of women. In this post, Part 2 of my series on how I apply naturopathic medicine to approach women’s top concerns, I'll be addressing an issue that many women struggle with 

I have a saying that all on-the-go busy women are constipated. My patients laugh but it’s true. It could be a business professional with a never ending to-do list or a mom who’s always pushing herself hard. These women are constipated because they’re in stress mode and overdrive all the time. Their digestion shuts down and in addition to constipation, they may have gas, bloating, and impaired absorption of nutrients. 

 Ninety percent of the happy I’m okay brain chemical, serotonin, is made in the gut. Some of the sleep, depression, and low libido issues may stem from the gut. So, nothing works well without the bowel working well. 

Step one of treatment usually involves testing the blood to determine which foods are triggering inflammation. Simply by eliminating those trigger foods, digestive problems begin to clear up.  Adding in stress reduction techniques may also be beneficial in helping the intestinal tract return to full and proper function.   

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hormones, Sexual Health and Loss of Energy in Women

Too pooped to play?

So many women burn their candle at both ends. Whether they’re busy professionals or busy moms, they may be finding that this time, they’re the ones needing some care and attention. Based on my experience with over a thousands of patients, here’s how I apply naturopathic medicine to approach women’s top concerns which include weight loss, low libido and sexual health, low energy, hormone balancing, pain management and aesthetics.  Over the coming weeks I’ll be posting about various approaches I use to help restore the health and wellbeing of women.

Part 1 – Hormones and Sexual Health and Loss of Energy in Women

Many women have gone to a GP for years without ever being asked about their sexual health status. Often it’s because conventional physicians themselves aren’t comfortable with this topic. Good sexual health is important to overall physical health and wellbeing so suffering from a loss of libido, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, or other sexual health concern should be addressed.  In my clinic we do a thorough analysis to check for hormonal imbalance, adrenal exhaustion, inflammation in the body, or any psychological issues (naturopaths are also licensed in counseling since the mind is key to healing).

Loss of energy is an important but easily overlooked issue that can be one of the earliest signs that chronic degenerative disease is taking hold in the body. If we catch it early, we can often prevent disease from developing. Low energy is commonly caused by adrenal fatigue, which in turn causes weight, energy and blood sugar issues. I use doctor’s line nutraceuticals to repair the adrenals and support the body’s self-healing.  Stress management techniques may also be useful in reducing the high stress levels that aggravate hormonal problems.

In making recommendations regarding hormones my goal is to address the root of the problem first. I use a special blood test to analyze if certain food are triggering inflammation in the body and disrupting the hormone levels, too. As a naturopath, I can introduce homeopathic, herbal and other natural solutions to help support the body naturally. Depending on a person’s needs and lab findings, I can also recommend compounded bio-identical hormones customized to achieve a steady level of hormones in the amounts needed.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What can you do about the quality of your environment?

City of Scottsdale
April 14, 2011 from 6 to 7:30 PM
Scottsdale Appaloosa Library
7377 E. Silverstone Drive, Scottsdale

Are adequate FDA and EPA policies in place to protect the American public from toxic exposures?  Is Bio-­monitoring enough?   Our children are born toxic . . . what can we do about it?  How can you inventory your home for contaminants?  Outside of the home, where are some of the most toxic places to avoid?  Can you be tested for heavy metal toxicity and can you be treated?  Which detox programs are the most scientifically proven to help? Come find out these answers and more from Dr. Donese Worden, naturopathic physician, who will welcome your questions.   
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Friday, April 8, 2011

If you're in Scottsdale you should consider attending this Green Building Lecture

Contact:  Anthony Floyd, senior building consultant, (480) 312-4202,

Learn how to avoid, treat toxic exposures at the April 14 Green Building Lecture

As a once vibrant 19-year-old athlete, Chelsea suddenly became overwhelmed with fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches and depression.  Five years of doctors’ appointments, questions, misdiagnoses and frustration ensued. 
A chance encounter not long ago led Chelsea to a doctor who specialized in health issues caused by environmental factors.  Half reluctant, half hopeful, Chelsea agreed to meet with yet another practioner – Dr. Donese Worden.  After hours of questions, conversations and reviewing tests, Dr. Worden found the cause of Chelsea’s maladies – high levels of toxic metal and extreme food allergies.  Chelsea’s exposure to the toxic metal likely occurred in the family’s home.  Thanks to a variety of treatments, Chelsea is now well on her way to being well.
Chelsea agreed to tell her story, but preferred not to use her last name.

Through Scottsdale’s Green Building Program lecture series, you can learn strategies for minimizing and treating toxic exposure, especially indoor pollutants.  The free program will be from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 14, at Appaloosa Library, 7377 E. Silverstone Drive, Scottsdale.  Dr. Worden and the city’s Green Building Program Manager, Anthony Floyd, will be the guest speakers. 

The lectures are open to the public.  RSVPs are not needed.  For more information, call (480) 312-3111 or visit