Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Your Health-Your choice with Dr. Donese Worden - September Show

Every first Monday of the month I offer a 20 minute segment called Your Health-Your Choice as an opener to The Sandie Sedgbeer Show: Conversation at the Cutting Edge on the Awakening Zone Network.  If you missed my last segment that aired on September 1st you can listen right now!

Listen to internet radio with awakeningzone4 on Blog Talk Radio

My next episode of Your Health-Your Choice airs on The Sandie Sedgbeer Show at 2:00PM Central Time on Thursday, October 6th.

To listen to the show LIVE on Thursday, October 6th follow the link below:

Be sure to obtain a user id and password from so you can log into the chat room and participate in the conversation during the show.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Allergies - Why they happen and what you can do about them.

More people than ever before are suffering from allergies.  Solutions that only treat symptoms may help but don't address the core issue.  In this interview I share information about why allergies happen and what you can do about them.

Dr. Donese Worden talks about allergies on AM Arizona.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Post Traumatic Stress - What you should know.

Everyone experiences stress.  Sometimes even everyday stressors can become debilitating.  Find out the difference between PTSD and anxiety and what can be done for PTSD.

Dr. Donese Worden on AM Arizona discusses Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Preparing for Cold and Flu Season

Do you know the best ways to prepare yourself and your kids for cold and flu season? Breaking out the antibacterial soaps and loading up on orange juice? You might be surprised by some of the new information I have to share about staying healthy and avoiding colds and flu.

Dr. Donese Worden - KPNX Channel 12 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Natural Partners interview with Dr. Donese Worden and Dr. Sunil Pai

You've all heard me sing the praises of GUNA products.  The Italian BioLift isn't the only thing GUNA does well.  The following video will give you a deeper understanding of what GUNA products are, how they work, and why they are such effective natural therapies and treatments for detoxification, mood elevation, allergies, stress reduction, insomnia, immune support, pain management, and MORE!

Click on the image above or follow the link below to watch the video: